18 December 2009

March Commuter Train

Hi Everyone

This is an early, early, notice that there will be another commuter train in Walk 2 Work week next year on March 10th.  We really want to pack this train out so put it in your diaries now, send this email on, and tell people. 

We will be having a meeting at the end of January to organise publicity for this, let us know if you're interested in helping out.

Best wishes for your summer,
Get the Train group


from Get the Train group


02 December 2009

Train update

Hi Everybody - 

I guess it's time to build momentum for the train!  The ORC says rail is Central Govenment's responsibility - that may not necessarily be so.  We've decided to write a letter to the ORC in answer to this.  

We will also start to work at getting transport policy from all political parties, network with Taieri Gorge, Hillside, DCC and Sustainable Dunedin and generally keep the pot boiling and raise a head of steam as far as trains go.

We will organise a meeting in early February to see how we're going.  We just have to keep pushing!

Regards, Danielle 


from Get the Train group
